For visual artists who know that words open doors to credibility, clout and career.
Find the words that speak for your art
No artspeak, no cringe, no waffling
You know you need to speak and write well about your art to build your career… but you’re a visual thinker first and foremost.

That’s why you took the art path in the first place. 

But sometimes it seems like the life of an artist is more about writing than art-making...


Gallery outreach

Text for your website

Your newsletter

Talks and presentations

Your PDF portfolio

Instagram captions

Applications for residencies for funding

for any opportunity to grow your reach and ambition

Artist statements

Gallery texts

Long bios

Short bios

It’s overwhelming. Especially if you don't find writing easy.

The whole reason you're a visual artist is because words can’t express the full range of your meaning

Maybe the words come once you've finished something. Even then, you don't want to explain everything away. Your art isn’t just an illustration of some theory.



Never be lost for words again

Gather Your Art Word Hoard is a practical four week course with 1:1 coaching support and detailed editorial feedback. Step by step, you’ll create a core document of texts about you and your work that you can re-purpose time and again.

You will have:
The accountability you need to get those words written
The structure you need to get the task done
The skills you need to articulate your ideas clearly and persuasively

“The feedback I received from Sam has surpassed anything I’d imagined coaching could offer. 

Her reading of the work showed a deep perceptiveness, as well as invaluable knowledge and understanding of the written word and its potential. Sam’s insightful comments and suggestions offered me the solutions and inspiration I needed to proceed, and much more. If you are looking for someone who can offer guidance and inspiration, you won’t find anyone better than Sam. I consider myself very fortunate to have found her.”

Angie Athanassiades

“Working with Sam has been one of the best investments I have made in my art practice. 

Sam is perceptive, knowledgeable, supportive and encouraging and I appreciate her gentle sense of humour and her care. I value the safe, non judgemental space that she creates for me to unravel and resolve issues about my art and in the time that we’ve been working together I’ve begun to develop a clearer understanding of my art practice and of myself as an artist.”

Andrea Butler

This is for you if:

You’ve been a visual artist for a while. You’re ready to go for bigger things, to apply for funding, residencies, galleries, and you know that to do this you need to articulate your work clearly, convincingly and fluently.

You’re ready to learn some simple and effective strategies to write well about your art practice and what drives it.

You’re willing to use words to help audiences find and connect with your work at a deeper level. 

This is not for if:

You believe that your art should speak for itself, end of story.

You’re not willing to challenge your belief that you can't write.

You’re not willing to prioritise developing your writing in support of your art career for a four to six week period.

You’ll have my eyes and ears on your words. Let’s polish them until they gleam.

By the end, you’ll have created your own Art Word Hoard, a treasure-box of reusable texts you can dip into whenever you need.

Don’t let another opportunity pass you by just because you couldn't find the right words.
“It's been transformative, and I don't say that lightly. 

It’s been fantastic to have the full attention of someone who was able to pull together such a detailed overview and give such good advice. It's given me lots to think about and I’ve found it has functioned like a call to action.”

Hilary Nicoll

“It's crazy how much progress I've made with all your incredible support and belief in me! 

I feel like I’ve gone supersonic! I see you as a gatherer of loose threads from seemingly random pieces, finding fascinating and insightful connections, and re-presenting them to me as a coherent narrative. It's teaching me to keep stepping back and re-evaluate my work as a whole. The brainstorming and clarification, the in-depth questionnaires, as well as recommendations for resources to use or artists to research or books to read, have been hugely invaluable.”

Morag Thomson Merriman

I understand how the right words can help other people really see, understand and appreciate your art work with all the depth and nuance you put into it.

I've been a practising artist myself for over 30 years. I’ve written successful funding bids, residency applications, public art proposals, exhibition catalogues, statements, academic journal articles, university job applications, a prize-winning doctoral thesis and a book published by a major publishing house. I write a weekly newsletter that’s building a conversation and community around the work I do, and has become a valued part of my creative practice. I have secured funding from national funding bodies and research councils, and I recently won a national painting award worth £20,000. Words opened all of these doors for me. They can for you too.

I know the difference that having the right words can make to your art career, your art practice, your confidence and your clarity.
Let me help you find them.
But I haven't always found this easy. I’m a bit of an introvert.
I used to say no to speaking gigs because I was too nervous, or force myself to say yes and stand there with my knees shaking, my mouth dry. Once, when a friend introduced me to a big London gallerist he turned and asked me ‘what’s your work about?’ I mumbled, deflected, blushed, stammered. I felt like a complete idiot, a loser, a hopeless case. I never wanted to feel like that again. I knew I was letting myself down. So I worked at it. I practised. I learned. I got better at it. And so can you.
Yes, but...

What if you’re better at speaking than writing, or if you’re dyslexic? We’ll use neurodivergent-aligned methods, with gently questioning dialogue and AI transcripts to help tease out your words and get them into a written form you can use.


What if 1:1 live video calls don't work for you? No problem, I can provide feedback and discussion by email correspondence or asynchronous voice messaging. 

Busy? I know. The lessons are in bite-sized chunks you can tackle whenever you have a moment. A mix of synchronous and asynchronous modes of support allow you to work flexibly to suit your schedule, while the 4 week structure helps you focus and get things done. Bit by bit you can watch your Art Word Hoard grow.

 Sick of starting online courses you never finish? My personal 1:1 guidance and feedback gives you a level of accountability and gentle support to see you through the process

Robust support for busy artists:
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Find the right words to speak from your art.

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  • Total payment
  • 1xGather Your Art Word Hoard£750

All prices in GBP